The windrow compost turning machine can be said to be the core equipment in the current organic fertilizer production process. It can control the fermentation temperature and the moisture in the stack during the windrow fermentation process. At present, the more advanced compost machines on the market can achieve no dead angle turning, and can complete the composting operation of all materials in one workflow.
So is there anything that needs to be paid attention to in the process of using the windrow compost turning machine to ferment organic fertilizer?
1. Pay attention to the temperature, oxygen content and moisture content in the fermentation raw materials. Temperature, oxygen and moisture are directly related to the windrow fermentation cycle of organic fertilizers and the quality of the finished product. Therefore, special attention should be paid to these three aspects when using a turning machine to ferment organic fertilizers. The purpose of the turning operation is to control the temperature, increase the oxygen content in the material, and reduce the moisture content, but it is also necessary to pay attention not to turn too frequently, so as not to affect the temperature increase in the stack. Click here for more details
2. The stacking should not be too high. When using a turner for fermentation, the width of the windrows can be determined according to the output. The height of the compost should be between 0.8 and 1.5 meters. If the height of the compost is too high, it will affect the air permeability of the raw materials, resulting in oxygen content in the stack. Insufficient amount affects fermentation.

3. Pay attention to the freshness of the raw materials. If the raw materials are stored for too long, anaerobic conditions may be formed. Under the anaerobic state, the organic matter content in the raw materials will gradually decrease, which will affect the quality of the finished products. If such raw materials are used to ferment organic fertilizer, attention should be paid to adding fresh raw materials for adjustment.
4. Pay attention to the turning time of windrow composting. When using a turning and throwing machine for fermentation, it usually takes 10-15 days for the initial fermentation to decompose. The turning and throwing time can be determined according to the temperature in the stack. It is tossed a second time, followed by a second aging and fermentation, usually 3-7 days.
5. Pay attention to the nature of the fermentation raw materials. There are many raw materials that can be used to ferment organic fertilizers, such as grass and wood fragments, crop straw, livestock and poultry manure, etc., but the carbon and nitrogen ratios in different raw materials are different, and the fermentation cycle is also different. To ensure the quality of the finished product after fermentation, targeted adjustments should be made before fermentation, which can be applied after mixing different raw materials evenly.
If you need more information of windrow composting, you can visit