The small fermentation equipment turner is a mechanical equipment developed and produced based on dynamic composting. The early composting process was static composting, which was often converted into anaerobic fermentation due to insufficient oxygen supply, which would produce a large amount of odors such as hydrogen sulfide, and have Explosion risk, later in the middle of the last century, the German BACKHUS (Bakus) company developed a mechanical device to improve the oxygen supply and material shape in aerobic fermentation compost, called the fertilizer turning machine.

Groove type compost turner is an ideal small scale compost turner, which is often called the guide rail turner. It can be used to ferment and turn over organic wastes such as livestock and poultry manure, sludge garbage, sugar mill filter mud, slag cake and straw sawdust, etc. It is widely used in fermentation and dehydration of organic fertilizer plants, compound fertilizer plants, sludge waste plants, horticultural farms,etc. Click here for details
Features of small fermentation equipment turning machine-groove type turning machine equipment:
1. It is suitable for aerobic fermentation and can be used with solar fermentation chamber, fermentation groove and transfer moving vehicle;
2. It can realize the function of one machine with multiple slots when used together with the mobile vehicle;

3. The matching fermentation trench can discharge materials continuously or in batches;
4. High efficiency, stable operation, sturdy and durable, evenly flipping;
5. Centralized control of the control cabinet, which can realize manual or automatic control functions;
6. Equipped with soft starter, low impact load when starting;
7. Equipped with gear-shifting hydraulic lifting system;
8. The teeth are sturdy and durable, and have the function of breaking and mixing materials.
If you want to know more about small scale composting machine, please check