Дисковый гранулятор: идеальное решение для производства органических удобрений

Как производитель оборудования для производства удобрений, мы стремимся предоставить нашим клиентам эффективные и надежные решения для производства. В области производства органических удобрений дисковый гранулятор стал предпочтительным выбором для многих производителей благодаря своим выдающимся характеристикам и многофункциональности. В этой статье мы подробно рассмотрим преимущества дискового гранулятора в производстве органических удобрений и его вклад в современное сельское хозяйство.

Тарельчатый гранулятор
Тарельчатый гранулятор

**1. Технические преимущества дискового гранулятора**

Дисковый гранулятор разработан с целью удовлетворения потребностей в производстве органических удобрений разных масштабов и типов. Его технические преимущества включают следующие аспекты:

1. **Высокая эффективность производства**: Дисковый гранулятор использует передовой дизайн вращающегося диска, который эффективно преобразует порошковые или мелкозернистые материалы в однородные гранулы. Это делает его идеальным для крупномасштабного производства.

2. **Высокая гибкость**: Угол наклона и скорость вращения оборудования могут быть настроены в зависимости от характеристик материала и требуемого размера гранул, что обеспечивает соответствие продукции специфическим требованиям клиентов.

3. **Удобство в обслуживании**: Простая конструкция дискового гранулятора облегчает его обслуживание, снижает эксплуатационные расходы и время простоя, увеличивая срок службы оборудования.

4. **Энергоэффективность и экологичность**: При проектировании учитываются требования к энергосбережению и снижению выбросов. Оборудование имеет низкое потребление энергии и оснащено эффективной системой контроля пыли, что уменьшает загрязнение окружающей среды в процессе производства.

Дисковый гранулятор
Дисковый гранулятор

**2. Применение дискового гранулятора в производстве органических удобрений**

В производстве органических удобрений дисковый гранулятор может перерабатывать различные виды биомассы, такие как отходы животноводства, сельскохозяйственные остатки, пищевые отходы и т. д. Эти материалы после ферментации подаются в дисковый гранулятор для гранулирования. Процесс включает:

– **Подготовка сырья**: Сначала сырье предварительно обрабатывается для обеспечения его ферментации и безопасности.
– **Смешивание и гранулирование**: Обработанное сырье смешивается с другими добавками и затем гранулируется в дисковом грануляторе.
– **Последующая обработка**: После гранулирования продукт проходит сушку, охлаждение и просеивание, превращаясь в высококачественные гранулы органических удобрений.

**3. Рыночные перспективы дискового гранулятора**

С увеличением внимания к устойчивому сельскому хозяйству и спроса на эффективные и экологически чистые удобрения рынок дискового гранулятора имеет широкие перспективы. Его применение не ограничивается производством органических удобрений, но также может быть расширено на производство других видов гранул, таких как биомассовые гранулы и химические удобрения.

Мы стремимся к постоянному улучшению дизайна и производительности дискового гранулятора, внедрению интеллектуальных и автоматизированных технологий для повышения эффективности и качества продукции. Кроме того, мы усилим сервисное обслуживание, предоставляя профессиональную техническую поддержку и обслуживание, чтобы обеспечить бесперебойную работу для клиентов.

**4. Заключение**

Как производитель оборудования для производства удобрений, мы понимаем важность оборудования для общей эффективности производственной линии и качества продукции. Дисковый гранулятор благодаря своей высокой эффективности и надежности стал незаменимым оборудованием в современном производстве органических удобрений. Мы продолжим продвигать инновации в технологиях, оптимизировать производительность оборудования и создавать большую ценность для клиентов. В будущем мы надеемся на сотрудничество с большим числом сельскохозяйственных производителей для продвижения устойчивого развития сельского хозяйства и достижения взаимовыгодных результатов. Для получения дополнительной информации посетите:https://www.sxmashina.com/tarelchatyy-granulyator/

Эксклюзивное предложение к Дню основания Китая – Суперцена на гранулятор для сульфата аммония

Мы, как производитель высококачественного оборудования для производства удобрений, рады отмечать День основания Китая вместе с вами и предлагаем нашим международным клиентам эксклюзивное предложение. В этот праздничный сезон мы предлагаем наш гранулятор для сульфата аммония по специальной цене от $200 до $400.

Двухвалковый гранулятор сульфата аммония
Двухвалковый гранулятор сульфата аммония

## Передовые технологии гранулирования удобрений по беспрецедентной цене

Гранулятор для сульфата аммония использует передовые технологии гранулирования, направленные на повышение эффективности производства ваших удобрений. Оборудование, которое мы предлагаем с гордостью, не только высокопроизводительное, но и надежное и долговечное.

### Высокая эффективность и однородность гранул
Наш гранулятор обеспечивает производство удобрений с равномерными гранулами, максимизируя усвоение питательных веществ и эффект от урожая. Эта передовая технология улучшает питание почвы и увеличивает урожайность.

### Энергосбережение и экологичность
Гранулятор разработан с учетом энергосбережения, позволяя снизить энергопотребление при сохранении высокого уровня производительности. Это соответствует мировым экологическим стремлениям, обеспечивая, что ваш процесс производства способствует практике устойчивого сельского хозяйства.

### Долговечность и срок службы
Машина изготовлена из износостойких материалов, способных выдерживать непрерывное использование, сокращая время простоя и продлевая срок службы вашего инвестиционного оборудования. Высококачественная конструкция обеспечивает низкие затраты на обслуживание, сохраняя высокую производительность.

### Комплексное послепродажное обслуживание
Наша приверженность удовлетворению клиентов выходит за рамки момента продажи. Мы предлагаем широкую сеть послепродажного обслуживания, чтобы быстро решать любые возникшие проблемы или вопросы и обеспечить беззаботный производственный опыт.

## Специальное предложение к Дню основания Китая – действуйте быстро

Наше специальное предложение к Дню основания Китая предназначено для того, чтобы сделать высококачественное производственное оборудование более доступным, давая фермерам и производителям удобрений новые возможности. Инвестируя в наш гранулятор для сульфата аммония во время акции, вы получите значительные экономические преимущества и конкурентное преимущество на рынке.

## Не упустите шанс – улучшите производство удобрений

Мы приглашаем предприятия и частных предпринимателей в сфере сельского хозяйства воспользоваться этой ограниченной по времени специальной ценой. Получите гранулятор удобрений высокого качества по привлекательной цене для повышения качества и эффективности вашего производства.

День основания Китая – это время радости и единения, и мы гордимся тем, что можем внести свой вклад в это событие, предоставляя нашим клиентам по всему миру возможность повысить производительность сельского хозяйства. Не пропустите это эксклюзивное предложение – свяжитесь с нами сейчас, чтобы забронировать ваш гранулятор для сульфата аммония и добавить ценность вашему производству удобрений.

Пожалуйста, учтите, что предложение ограничено наличием на складе и временем. Цены и спецификации могут меняться в зависимости от рыночных условий. Чтобы получить самую актуальную информацию и гарантировать ваш гранулятор по этой невероятной цене, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нашими представителями по продажам. Для получения дополнительной информации посетите:https://www.granulyator.com/product/granulyator-sulfata-ammoniya-rolikovyy-granulyator/

How to start a cow dung biofertilizer manufacturing plant

Setting up a cow manure biofertilizer manufacturing plant is an exciting and rewarding venture that aligns with sustainable agriculture and environmental preservation. Biofertilizers play a crucial role in enhancing soil fertility and promoting healthy plant growth by improving nutrient availability and encouraging beneficial microbial activity. Compared general cow manure organic fertilizer, it has a wide market and high profits. So, investing in making bio fertilizer from cow manure is a wise choice. If you’re considering establishing a biofertilizer manufacturing plant, here are some key steps and considerations to guide you through the process.

Understanding Biofertilizers

Biofertilizers are natural fertilizers that contain living microorganisms, which when applied to soil, seed, or plant surfaces, colonize the rhizosphere and promote growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients. Common types of biofertilizers include nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, and compost biofertilizers. These products are essential for sustainable agriculture as they reduce the dependency on chemical fertilizers and enhance soil health.

How to make bio fertilizer
How to make bio fertilizer

Steps to Set Up a Biofertilizer Manufacturing Plant

1. Market Research and Feasibility Study

Before diving into the setup, conduct thorough market research to understand the demand for biofertilizers in your target region. Assess the competition, potential customers, and regulatory requirements. A feasibility study will help you determine the financial viability and technical requirements of the project.

2. Choose a Suitable Location

Select a location that is accessible to raw materials, has adequate infrastructure, and complies with environmental regulations. Proximity to agricultural areas can be beneficial for distribution and marketing.

3. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

Comply with local and national regulations by obtaining the necessary licenses and permits to manufacture and sell biofertilizers. This may include environmental clearances, registration with agricultural departments, and quality certifications.

4. Set Up Infrastructure

Invest in suitable infrastructure, including production units, storage facilities, and quality control laboratories. Ensure the plant design allows for efficient workflow and adheres to safety and environmental standards.

5. Buy Biofertilizer Equipment

Purchasing the right bio fertilizer equipment  is crucial for the success of your manufacturing plant. Essential equipment includes:

– Fermenters: For growing and multiplying beneficial microorganisms.
– Mixers and Blenders: To ensure uniform mixing of biofertilizer components.
-Granulator: cow dung biofertilizer granulator is key to make biofertilizer granules.
– Dryers: For reducing moisture content and extending shelf life.
– Packaging Machines: For efficient and hygienic packaging.
– Quality Control Instruments**: For testing and ensuring the quality of the final product.
Go here to learn more.


Setting up a biofertilizer manufacturing plant involves careful planning, investment in quality equipment, and a commitment to sustainable practices. With the right approach, your biofertilizer plant can become a cornerstone of agricultural innovation and sustainability. If you need more information, you can visit https://fertilizerequipmentmanufacturer.com/how-to-make-bio-fertilizer-from-cow-dung/

How to Buy an Organic Fertilizer Machine at an Economical Price

Investing in an organic fertilizer machine is a wise decision for sustainable agriculture. However, the cost can be a significant factor. To ensure you get the best value for your money, consider the type of machine, the design, and choosing a reputable manufacturer. Here’s a detailed guide to help you make an economical purchase.

1.Organic fertilizer Machine Type

The first step in purchasing economical organic fertilizer equipment  is to determine the type of machine you need. The main types of machines include:

– Compost Turners: Ideal for turning and mixing compost materials to accelerate the decomposition process.
– Granulators:Used to produce uniform granules from powdered organic fertilizer.
– Mixers:For thoroughly mixing raw materials to ensure a balanced nutrient profile.
– Crushers:To break down organic materials into smaller particles for easier processing.
– Dryers and Coolers: Essential for removing moisture from the fertilizer granules to improve storage life.

Identify the specific needs of your farming operation. For small-scale farms, a compost turner or a mixer might be sufficient. For larger operations, a complete production line might be necessary. Knowing exactly what you need reduce the cost on fertilizer equipment buying. In addition, you replace with more economical organic fertilizer machine, such as groove type compost turner, disc granulator, etc.

Related equipment used in organic fertilizer production
Related equipment used in organic fertilizer production

2. Reasonable Design

The design of the machine plays a crucial role in its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Look for machines with the following design features:

– Energy Efficiency: Machines that consume less power can significantly reduce operating costs over time. Check for energy-efficient motors and advanced control systems.
– Ease of Maintenance: A machine that is easy to maintain will save you money on repairs and downtime. Look for designs that allow easy access to parts that require regular maintenance.
– Durability: High-quality materials and robust construction increase the lifespan of the machine, ensuring long-term savings. Such as carbon steel, stainless steel, etc
– User-Friendly Interface:Machines with intuitive controls and simple operation can reduce labor costs and training time.

A machine with a reasonable design not only reduces initial costs but also minimizes long-term operational expenses. Go here for more details.

3. Fertilizer Equipment Manufacturer

Choosing the right manufacturer is critical to ensuring you get a high-quality machine at a reasonable price. Here are some tips:

– Reputation: Look for manufacturers with a solid reputation in the industry. Check online reviews, testimonials, and ratings.
– Source factory: buy equipment from source organic fertilizer factory can help you save budget for organic fertilizer making. Because it often provide better prices due to no extra charges.
– Warranties and Support:Ensure the manufacturer offers a comprehensive warranty and reliable after-sales support. Good customer service is essential for resolving any issues that may arise.
– Customization:Some manufacturers offer customization options to tailor the machine to your specific requirements. This can be more cost-effective than buying a standard model and making modifications later.

Here, you can visit https://www.fertilizerbusinessplan.com/investment-of-organic-fertilizer-plant-setup/


Buying an organic fertilizer machine at an economical price involves careful consideration of the machine type, design, and the manufacturer. By understanding your specific needs, choosing a machine with a reasonable design, and selecting a reputable manufacturer, you can make a cost-effective purchase that enhances your agricultural productivity while promoting sustainability. Make informed decisions to ensure you get the best value for your investment.

Convert Organic Waste into Fertilizer: Compost Granule Making Machine

In the contemporary world of agriculture and gardening, sustainability is no longer just an option—it’s a necessity. Among the myriad of solutions aimed at promoting sustainable practices, compost granule making stands out as a practical and efficient method to manage organic waste and enrich soil health. At the heart of this process is the Compost Granule Making Machine, an innovation that transforms organic waste into uniform, easy-to-apply granules.

What is a Compost Granule Making Machine?

A Compost Granule granulating machine is an advanced device designed to convert composted organic matter into granules or pellets. These granules not only have a more uniform size and shape but also offer improved handling, storage, and application compared to loose compost. By compacting the compost, the machine enhances its usability, making it a valuable asset for both small-scale gardeners and large-scale agricultural operations.

How Does the Machine Work?

The compost granulation process begins by feeding the composted organic material into the machine. Inside, a combination of pressure and sometimes heat is applied to the material, compacting it into uniform granules. Different machines may utilize various techniques, such as extrusion, rolling, or pelletizing drums, to achieve the desired granule size and consistency. The final product is then cooled, if necessary, and ready for bagging or direct application. Click here for more.

Benefits of Using a Compost Granule Making Machine

1. Enhanced Soil Health: Granulated compost acts as a slow-release fertilizer, providing NPK nutrients over an extended period. This improves soil structure and fertility, promoting robust plant growth.

2. Ease of Application: Granules are easier to spread evenly across fields or gardens. This ensures consistent nutrient distribution, reducing the risk of over-fertilization and nutrient runoff.

3. Improved Storage and Transport: Compared to loose compost, granules are more compact and less prone to dust and odor. This makes them easier to store and transport, reducing waste and improving logistical efficiency.

4. Cost-Effective: By converting organic waste into valuable compost granules, you reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, saving money and promoting eco-friendly practices.

Commonly Used compost pellet making machines for sale
Commonly Used compost pellet making machines for sale

Choosing the Right Machine

When selecting a Compost Granulating Machine, consider factors such as capacity, power consumption, and ease of maintenance. Look for machines made from durable materials and featuring user-friendly controls. It’s also beneficial to choose a machine from a reputable compost fertilizer granulator manufacturer that offers reliable customer support and warranty services.


Investing in a Compost pellet machine is a forward-thinking decision for anyone serious about sustainable agriculture. For the machine details, you can visit https://www.granulatedcompostsolutions.com/product/compost-granulating-machine/

Why Choose Our Screw Press Dewatering Machine for Optimal Moisture Removal in Fertilizer Production?

During fertilizer production process, the efficient removal of excess moisture is a critical step that can impact product quality, shelf life, and production costs. Excess moisture not only adds to transportation costs but also impacts the quality and shelf life of the fertilizer. That’s where our screw press dewatering machine comes into play, offering the perfect solution for achieving moisture control in fertilizer production.

Screw Press Dewatering Machine
Screw Press Dewatering Machine


1. Unparalleled Moisture Removal Efficiency

SX manure dewatering machine is specifically designed to extract moisture from fertilizers with exceptional efficiency. By utilizing advanced screw press technology, it effectively separates liquid from solid materials, leaving you with drier and more concentrated fertilizer products. This enhanced moisture removal process ultimately helps improve the overall quality and nutrient content of your fertilizers.

2. Reduced Energy Consumption

We understand the importance of sustainable production practices. Our screw press dewatering machine incorporates energy-saving features that optimize the moisture extraction process while minimizing power consumption. With this eco-friendly solution, you can achieve your desired moisture levels without compromising on your environmental commitments.

3. Versatile Application

Whether you’re dealing with organic or inorganic fertilizers, our dewatering machine is designed to handle a wide range of materials. Its adaptable nature allows it to effectively remove moisture from different types of fertilizers, ensuring consistent drying outcomes across your entire product range. This versatility makes it a valuable asset in any fertilizer production facility.

Material of Screw Press Dewatering Machine
Material of Screw Press Dewatering Machine


4. Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Time is a valuable resource in any manufacturing operation. This machine is engineered for efficiency, enabling faster moisture removal cycles and reducing overall processing time. This time-saving advantage not only increases productivity but also allows for greater production capacity and shorter lead times.

5. Minimal Maintenance and Easy Operation

We understand the importance of uninterrupted production processes. Our manure dewatering screw press is designed with simplicity in mind, promoting easy operation and minimal maintenance requirements. Its robust construction and high-quality components ensure reliable performance over extended periods, minimizing downtime and maximizing your fertilizer production efficiency. Additionally, its durable build and low maintenance needs reduce operational costs, making it a cost-effective choice for your business.

Durable Structure of Screw Press Dewatering Machine
Durable Structure of Screw Press Dewatering Machine


When it comes to optimal moisture removal in fertilizer production, our screw press dewatering machine stands out as a reliable and efficient solution. With its unparalleled efficiency, energy-saving features, versatility, operational efficiency, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness, it is the right choice to enhance your organic fertilizer production process. You can visit: https://www.fertilizerproductequipment.com/manure-dewatering-screw-press/ for more details.

Why Choose Our Fertilizer Rotary Drum Dryer for Customizable Drying Solutions?

In the quest for efficient and effective drying solutions for the fertilizer industry, our company proudly presents the fertilizer rotary drum dryer. With its customization and reliable performance, our dryer offers a range of benefits that make it the ideal choice for meeting your drying needs. In this blog, we will explore the key features and advantages of our drum dryer, highlighting why it stands out from the competition.

Drying Equipment for Fertilizer Products
Drying Equipment for Fertilizer Products


1. Versatility and Customization

Our fertilizer rotary drum dryer is designed to cater to a wide range of fertilizer materials, including organic, inorganic, and compound fertilizers. Its adaptability allows you to effortlessly handle various feedstock compositions and optimize the drying conditions for maximum efficiency. Whether you’re dealing with powders, granules, or even sticky materials, our dryer has got you covered!

Materials Can Be Used to Drying Machine
Materials Can Be Used to Drying Machine


2. Enhanced Drying Efficiency

With its advanced rotary drum design, our dryer provides exceptional heat transfer and ample drying space. This results in faster and more uniform drying, reducing both energy consumption and drying time. By utilizing precise temperature and airflow controls, you can achieve consistent moisture removal, ensuring the desired moisture content for your fertilizer.

Structure of Drum Dryer
Structure of Drum Dryer


3. Cost-effective and Energy-efficient

We understand the importance of minimizing operational costs while conserving energy resources. That’s why our fertilizer drying process is engineered to deliver exceptional cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency. Its innovative design optimizes heat utilization and minimizes heat loss, resulting in significant savings on fuel expenses. Additionally, the customizable drying parameters allow you to fine-tune the process, eliminating unnecessary energy wastage. Save money while embracing sustainability!

Drum Drying Machine
Drum Drying Machine

4. Durability and Low Maintenance

Investing in equipment that lasts is crucial for any business. Our fertilizer rotary drum dryer is built to withstand the demands of continuous operation in a challenging environment. The high-quality materials, robust construction, and reliable components ensure durability and longevity. Moreover, the user-friendly design and easy-access features facilitate routine maintenance, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.


When it comes to customizable drying solutions for the fertilizer industry, our fertilizer dryer shines brightly. With its versatility, enhanced efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and durability, it offers the perfect balance for your drying needs. Experience the difference in quality, efficiency, and productivity with our state-of-the-art dryer. Remember, the choice is clear. Choose innovation, choose efficiency, look at our rotary drum dryer! For the latest specifications and information, please refer to our official website or contact our team.

How to Choose The Right Organic Fertilizer Compost Machine?

An increasing number of medium and large-scale farmswant to process poultry and livestock manure into organic fertilizer for sale. One crucial aspect of organic fertilizer production is the fermentation of organic materials. During fermentation, the raw materials need to be turned, allowing for proper aeration, decomposition, and moisture reduction. Thus, the use of specialized equipment becomes essential in the industrial production on a big scale. In this blog, we will briefly describe the common types of compost machines available on the market and their suitable applications.

Trench Type Compost Turner 

  1. Construction Requirement: This machine requires fermentation grooves, which can work alternately between multiple grooves, reducing investment costs.
  2. Turning Depth: 0.8-1.8 meters; Turning Width: 3-6 meters.
  3. Applicable Scenario: It is suitable for farms processing over 20 tons of organic materials daily, and producing above 6000 tons of organic fertilizer annually. The composter operates without requiring manual labor.
groove type fertilizer composting equipment

Wheel Type Compost Turner

  1. Facility Requirements: The compost equipment requires sturdy walls, and does indoor operation. Besides, it issuitable for deep turning tasks.
  2. Turning Span: Up to 30meters wide; Turning Depth: 1.5-3 meters.
  3. Applicable Scenario: It is ideal for farms processing over 30 tons of organic materials daily,and producing 10,000 to 20,000 tons of organic fertilizer This compost turner operates automatically, without the need for manual labor.
Aniaml manure fermentation with SX large compost turner
Animal manure fermentation with SX large compost turner

Double Wheel Hydraulic Lifting Compost Turner

Click here for more details!

  1. Facility Requirements: It is similar to the wheel type composter, which requires sturdy walls and indoor operation.
  2. Efficiency: It has extremely high efficiency due to the simultaneous operation of two wheels.
  3. Applicable Scenario: It is suitable for farms processing over 30 tons of organic materials daily, and producing 10,000 to 20,000 tons of organic fertilizer annually. The turner operates automatically, without the need for manual labor.
Double Wheel Type Compost Turner
Double Wheel Type Compost Turner

Chain Plate Fermentation Turner

  1. Construction Requirement: It requires fermentation troughs and mobile vehicles, so it can work alternately between multiple trough
  2. Speed: It has fast movement; Turning depth can reach 2 meters; It’ssuitable for deep groove
  3. Applicable Scenario: It’s suitable for small fermentation sites with deep tanks, processing over 30 tons of organic materials daily, and producing 10,000 to 20,000 tons of organic fertilizer annually. It operates automatically, without the need for manual labor.
Chain plate compost turner machine
Chain plate compost turner machine

Crawler Type Compost Turner

  1. Facility Requirements: There is no need for tanks, and it can just form the compost into piles.
  2. Turning Distance: 0.8-1 meter; Turning height: 0.6-1.8 meters. It is cost-effective and easy to expand.
  3. Special Feature: Our company can equip with a cabin to shield workers from odors during operation.
  4. Applicable Scenario: It is suitable for farms processing over 5 tons of organic materials daily, and producing around 3000 tons of organic fertilizer annually. One worker is required to operate the machine during its operation.
Crawler type compost turner for organic fertilizer fermentation
Crawler type compost turner for organic fertilizer fermentation

Moving Type Compost Turner

  1. Facility Requirements: It is similar to crawler type compost turner. And, iteliminates the need for construction projects, saving space and costs.
  2. Applicable Scenario: It suitable for farms processing 3-4 tons of organic materials daily. One worker is required to operate the machine during its operation.
Moving Type Compost Turner
Moving Type Compost Turner

There is another compost machine for automatic production. We can customize 5-150m³ different capacity and different forms (horizontal, vertical) of fermentation pot. You can visit this page for more details!

In Vessel Fermentation Tank for Sale
In Vessel Fermentation Tank for Sale


When choosing the appropriate organic fertilizer fermentation turner, it is crucial to consider factors such as processing capacity, available space, investment budget, and labor requirements. We can help you optimize the organic fertilizer production process. You can click: https://www.fertilizerproductequipment.com/bio-composter-machine/ for more information.

What Is Fertilizer Windrow Composting Method

Windrow composting is a method of composting organic materials in long, narrow piles called windrows. The windrows are typically between 4 and 8 feet high, 8 to 12 feet wide, and as long as necessary to accommodate the amount of organic waste being composted. The windrow composting method is commonly used in commercial-scale composting operations, whether it is small scale fertilizer composting or large scale fermentation. And can be done both outdoors or in a covered facility.

The process of windrow composting involves building a pile of organic materials such as farm waste, industrial waste, manure, and agricultural residues. The pile is then regularly turned, usually with a professional windrow machine, to add oxygen and create the right conditions for microorganisms to break down the organic matter. The temperature of the compost pile is monitored regularly, and if necessary, additional water or bulking agents such as wood chips may be added to maintain optimal conditions for composting. Click here to know more

The duration of the windrow composting process varies depending on the type of organic material being composted, the size of the pile, and the environmental conditions. In general, the composting process takes between 3 and 6 months to complete. When the compost is fully mature, it is a dark, crumbly, and nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used in agriculture, horticulture, landscaping, and erosion control.


Windrow composting is an effective way to manage organic waste and produce high-quality compost. However, it requires significant space and equipment, making it more suitable for commercial-scale composting operations than for individual households. If you want to know more about windrow composting, you can visit https://www.fertilizerbusinessplan.com/windrow-composting-facility-design/

Rotary Drum Granulator For Compound Fertilizer Making

Compound fertilizers have always been popular in the fertilizer market due to their large content and fast fertilizer effects. The fertilizer drum granulator is an important equipment for the production of compound fertilizer granules. Then how does rotary drum pellet making machine prepare compound fertilizer? You can find the answer from this post.

The working principle of drum granulator

Drum granulator in the pelleting process of compound fertilizer particles: the core is the small particles with a diameter of Ф1-2mm in the raw materials and returned materials, under the temperature and steam conditions of 60-65°C, with the help of the raw materials’ own viscosity and mechanical The interaction of forces will continue to roll and form soft particles of Ф2-5mm. When drying, with the evaporation of water, the particles will gradually solidify and form hard particles. This is the whole working process of rotary drum granulation.

How to improve pellet quality in rotary drum granulation

There are some tips for better rotary drum fertilizer granulation.

When granulating, the material should make an elliptical movement in the granulator or dryer. The material should occupy 1/6 of the cross-sectional area of the cylinder. Through the movement, the materials will rub against each other to produce stickiness, large absorption and small adhesion, and adhesion. into balls. The material should be smooth in motion, and should not be subjected to excessive impact or forced into a ball, otherwise the particle size will be uneven.

The way to improve the roundness of fertilizer pellets is to let the material roll and rub more before the particles are solidified. During the rolling, the surface of the particles is ground to remove the edges and corners, to fill in the gaps, and the more the roll is, the more round it is. Soft particles should not rise and fall vertically in the cylinder of drum pelletizer, otherwise it is easy to cause deformation of the particles and cause the particles to be out of round. Click here for more about rotary drum granulation.

Fertilizer granules produced by rotary drum granulator
Fertilizer granules produced by rotary drum granulator

In the process of processing compound fertilizers, drum granulators should use low temperature and large air volume to minimize the temperature difference between the drying head and tail. Tail temperature is the focus of control, generally controlled at 45-65°C, urea dosage is 3-9%, tail temperature is controlled at about 65°C; urea dosage is 10-20%, tail temperature is controlled at about 60°C; urea dosage is 21 -38%, the tail temperature is controlled at about 55°C, to prevent the urea from being too high in temperature to melt and produce too much liquid phase, resulting in large particles or sludge. If ammonium chloride is used as the nitrogen source, the tail temperature can be controlled at about 65-80°C, and the drying tail temperature should be formulated and adjusted according to the output size and the actual situation of the equipment. The drying temperature is not fixed. It should be determined mainly by referring to the air volume of the system, the production formula and the drying conditions of the dried materials. The organic coordination of the moisture, temperature and drying temperature of the materials in the granulator is the key. If you are interested in this fertilizer processing machine, you can visit https://fertilizerequipmentmanufacturer.com/rotary-drum-granulator-machine/ for more details.